
The Infamous McDonald’s Hot Coffee Lawsuit: What You Don’t Know
The Infamous McDonald’s Hot Coffee Lawsuit: What You Don’t Know
The Infamous McDonald’s Hot Coffee Lawsuit: What You Don’t Know
Do you remember the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit from the 90s.  You know the one about the old lady putting a hot cup of coffee between her legs, drives off and it spills all over her, then she sues McDonald's for over $2M.  We have all joked about the absurdity of that lawsuit.  Did you know, that really isn't the true story of what happened.
How Many Hours Does It Take a McDonald’s Worker to Afford a Big Mac? — Dollars and Sense
How Many Hours Does It Take a McDonald’s Worker to Afford a Big Mac? — Dollars and Sense
How Many Hours Does It Take a McDonald’s Worker to Afford a Big Mac? — Dollars and Sense
Economics can complicate the world’s most enlightened mind. They often involve complex equations with more numerals and variables than the theory of relativity. However, one study has found a rather novel way of measuring and comparing the rise and fall of wages and it involves McDonald’s most famous sandwich.

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