
The Face Of Addiction In The Texas Panhandle – Prescription & Alcohol Addiction [SERIES]
The Face Of Addiction In The Texas Panhandle – Prescription & Alcohol Addiction [SERIES]
The Face Of Addiction In The Texas Panhandle – Prescription & Alcohol Addiction [SERIES]
Addiction in the United States is still a huge problem and kills over 500,000 people each year. Some people think that the addiction epidemic has not reached the smaller communities like Amarillo, but it has. As someone who is a recovering addict, I know all to well exactly how devastating the effects of drug use are.
Waiter Serves Toddler Alcohol Instead of Apple Juice [VIDEO]
Waiter Serves Toddler Alcohol Instead of Apple Juice [VIDEO]
Waiter Serves Toddler Alcohol Instead of Apple Juice [VIDEO]
The parents of a 15-month-old baby were a little confused when their child began talking to the walls at a Michigan Applebee's over the weekend. After further inspection, they discovered their child's innocent-looking sippy cup had been filled with a margarita instead of the apple juice they ordered.