
Go Here: Nap Time on China’s Great Wall
Go Here: Nap Time on China’s Great Wall
Go Here: Nap Time on China’s Great Wall
Once upon a time, the rulers of China, especially the Ming Dynasty emperors, decided to build a very big and very long wall, in order to keep the Manchurian and Mongolian raiders at bay. Maybe you’ve heard of this “Great Wall of China?” It’s kind of well known.
Go Here: The Spam Museum in Minnesota
Go Here: The Spam Museum in Minnesota
Go Here: The Spam Museum in Minnesota
A visit to their website will tell you that "few experiences in life are as meaningful and meaty-filled as those you’ll have at the magnificent SPAM Museum." Such a grandiose claim is enough to pique our interest.
Go Here: Torture Museum in Amsterdam
Go Here: Torture Museum in Amsterdam
Go Here: Torture Museum in Amsterdam
Even though my complete lack of self-control dictates that any museum trip I go on in Amsterdam be "sponsored" by legal marijuana (which would make The The Museum of Medieval Torture Instruments (MMTI) infinitely more terrifying) I'm still excited to visit.
Go Here: Abandoned Hospital on North Brother Island in NY
Go Here: Abandoned Hospital on North Brother Island in NY
Go Here: Abandoned Hospital on North Brother Island in NY
Every time I got sick as a kid, my mother would call me 'Typhoid Mary.' That was before the internet was a thing, and so I always assumed she was having a bout of amnesia. When I was older, though, I learned that Mary was very real, typhoid was very scary, and this abandoned island hospital in the middle of NYC was where they kept people who had it.
Go Here: Mütter Museum in Philadelphia
Go Here: Mütter Museum in Philadelphia
Go Here: Mütter Museum in Philadelphia
I tend to have a pretty short attention span at history museums, unless they are one of two thing: interactive, or disturbing. The Mütter Museum, a museum of medical history, is definitely the latter, and so it's thankfully not the former. You would not want to interact with the kind of twisted things they've got on display, but they sure are fun to look at.
Go Here: El Cosmico in Marfa, TX
Go Here: El Cosmico in Marfa, TX
Go Here: El Cosmico in Marfa, TX
Ever since I saw Baz Luhrmann's magical 1996 interpretation of 'Romeo and Juliet,' I've romanticized the idea of living in a weird desert trailer park. Now that I'm a grown up, the idea of permanent residence in one is slightly less appealing, but El Cosmico is a communal outpost in the deserts of West Texas that lets you pretend for the night.

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